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City of Tuscaloosa Accepting Resumes for a Position on the Historic Preservation Commission

City of Tuscaloosa Accepting Resumes for a Position on the Historic Preservation Commission

The City of Tuscaloosa is accepting resumes for a position on the Historic Preservation Commission. This member will serve a three-year term, ending on October 1, 2025.

Members of the Historic Preservation Commission review and vote on improvements and developments in the historic districts throughout the City of Tuscaloosa. Additionally, members help provide guidance to property owners in the planning and design of projects that are sympathetic to the special character of the City’s historic district.

Requirements for membership include:

  • Must live within the city limits
  • Must have training or experience in history, architecture, architectural history, American studies, cultural geography, cultural anthropology, planning, archaeology, law or other related historic preservation fields
  • Must be available to attend monthly meetings (typically the second Wednesday of the month at 5 p.m.)

Candidates will be nominated by the mayor and appointed by the City Council.

To learn more about the Historic Preservation Commission, visit . To submit an application, visit . The application will be open until November 3.

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