City of Tuscaloosa Seeks Applications for Three Positions on Zoning Board of Adjustments
October 13, 2022
The City of Tuscaloosa is accepting applications for three positions on the Zoning Board of Adjustments for a term ending September 28, 2025.
Two of these positions are regular, while one is a supernumerary position (serving at the call of the chairman, only in the absence of regular members.)
The Zoning Board of Adjustments hears and decides appeals where it is alleged by the appellant that there is error in any order, requirement, decision or determination made by a zoning officer. Members must:
- Be a resident of the City of Tuscaloosa
- Have training or experience with zoning ordinances or in a related field
- Be available to attend monthly meetings
All candidates will be reviewed and recommended by the City Council.
To learn more about the Zoning Board of Adjustments, visit
To submit an application, visit
. Applications will be open until October 27.