The City of Tuscaloosa is available to assist residents with the following information:
- Whether a property is located within a National Flood Insurance Program (NFIP) – FEMA mapped floodplain.
- Flood insurance rating information such as FEMA flood zone, flood map panel number and regulatory Base Flood Elevation (BFE).
- FEMA Elevation Certificate, if available. The FEMA Elevation Certificate is an essential tool used to accurately rate flood insurance policies.
- Information on FEMA’s mandatory flood insurance purchase requirements.
- Regulatory provisions pertaining to flood protection that may apply to the property in question.
- If the information is available, whether the property has ever suffered any flood damage.
To determine if a City of Tuscaloosa property is located in the FEMA mapped floodplain, use one of the options below:
Floodplain Determination from the Office of the City Engineer (OCE)
Please enter the information requested below and click the Submit button. You have the option to enter either your address or Parcel ID. If a determination cannot be made for your request, then further review by OCE staff is required. Once OCE staff has completed the review, the determination will be sent to you within two business days via the provided email address.
FEMA’s Map Service Center
To view, print or order the Flood Insurance Rate Maps (FIRM), please visit FEMA’s Map Service Center .