The City of Tuscaloosa is a water rich city with multiple lakes, streams and rivers. Long range flooding can occur from the Black Warrior River, flash flooding from interior creeks and streams, and flooding from overloaded storm drainage systems. The City of Tuscaloosa is a participant in the National Flood Insurance Program (NFIP) and is responsible for enforcing the local Floodplain Management and Flood Damage Prevention Code and for administrating both the NFIP and Floodplain Management Program. Tasks comprise issuing floodplain permits and maintaining Flood Insurance Rate Maps, Flood Insurance Studies and the storm drainage system, as well as managing other stormwater-related matters. Click the Flood Maps tab to find out if a property is in the floodplain.
To encourage communities to establish sound floodplain management programs that go beyond the NFIP minimum requirements, in 1990 the Community Rating System (CRS) was created by the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA). The City of Tuscaloosa began participating in the CRS program in May 2016 with a Class 9 Rating, which awards residents in the city with a 5 percent discount on flood insurance premiums.
As of May 2017, the City of Tuscaloosa has achieved a Class 8 Rating, which awards residents in the city with a 10 percent discount on flood insurance premiums. Click the CRS tab to learn more about the program.
Click here to determine if you are located in a flood hazard area.