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Mayor Walt Maddox Appoints Kimberly Michael Executive Director of Water & Sewer

Mayor Walt Maddox Appoints Kimberly Michael Executive Director of Water & Sewer

Mayor Walt Maddox has appointed Kimberly Michael Executive Director of Water & Sewer, effective immediately. Michael has worked with the City since 2007, most recently serving as the Associate Director of Logistics and Asset Management since February of 2021.

Prior to serving in this role, Michael served as Water and Sewer Process Assets Manager and as a Water Resources Engineer for the City of Tuscaloosa.

“Kimberly has been a dedicated member of the City’s team for over 15 years,” Mayor Walt Maddox said. “In each role she has held, she has demonstrated that she is extremely knowledgeable and capable, and an excellent leader. I am pleased to welcome her to the leadership team, and am confident that she will thrive in this role.”

Michael is licensed as a State of Alabama Professional Engineer and Grade IV Water Operator. She holds a Master of Engineering in Environmental Engineering and a Bachelor of Science in Civil Engineering from the University of Alabama.

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