The Office of Community & Neighborhood Services (CNS) in cooperation with Infrastructure and Public Services manages the City of Tuscaloosa’s Residential Lateral Assistance Program (RLAP) which was adopted by the City Council on July 21, 2020. This program assists homeowners in the city with replacement and repair of their sewer lateral. All applications for this program must be mailed or delivered to City Hall at the address listed on the application. The following guidelines have been established for the program.
NOTE: This program will NOT cover damaged or blocked pipes inside or under a home nor restoration of landscape or hardscapes.
- Must reside within Tuscaloosa City Limits
- Must currently live in the home
- Must be the homeowner/mortgagee for the home
- Must have a documented private lateral issue
What you need to apply
- Completed Application (see form)
- $50.00 non-refundable Application Fee (Check or money order only)
- Copy of Mortgage Record or Deed of Ownership
- Video inspection of the sewer lateral - on a USB drive
- A sketch which indicates the nature and scope of the defect
- Copy of two (2) different utility bills dated within 30 days of the application
- Print off the application from this website or pick one up from the Office of Community & Neighborhood Services
- Return the Application, Application Fee and ALL required documents to the office of Community & Neighborhood Services
- Incomplete applications will not be accepted.
What happens next
- The City of Tuscaloosa Infrastructure and Public Services Department will evaluate each application to determine if the home is eligible via the matrix approved by City Council.
- If the property is deemed eligible, IPS staff will contact the applicant detailing the next stage of the process.