The CoC seeks to prevent, reduce, and end homelessness through effective and
coordinated community-wide efforts and services. The CoC is composed of both
public and private agencies along with community residents including homeless
and formerly homeless individuals.
The primary purpose of the CoC is to carry out the responsibilities of a Continuum
of Care as defined by Housing and Urban Development (HUD), which include but
are not limited to the following duties:
● To establish and operate a centralized or coordinated assessment system
that provides an initial, comprehensive assessment of the needs of
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individuals and families for housing and services;
● To establish and consistently follow fair, equitable written standards for
screening, evaluating eligibility, and administering assistance for homeless
or at-risk individuals and families across the geographic area;
● To designate a Homeless Management Information System (HMIS) and an eligible applicant to manage the HMIS;
● To coordinate and implement a system to meet the needs of the homeless
population and subpopulations within the geographic area, including:
o planning for and conducting point-in-time counts of homeless
persons within the geographic area;
o conducting an annual gaps analysis of the homeless needs and
services available within the geographic area;
o consulting with state and local government Emergency Solutions
Grants program recipients within the CoC on the plan for allocating
Emergency Solutions Grants program funds; and
o reporting on and evaluating the performance of Emergency Solutions
Grants and Continuum of Care funding program recipients and
subrecipients; and
● To prepare and oversee an application for federal funds targeted to
homelessness which includes establishing priorities for funding projects
within the geographic area; determining which applications can be received
for consideration; and selecting the applications being submitted for
Membership in the CoC will be composed of individuals and agencies concerned
with preventing and ending homelessness in the WACH CoC service area. The
membership of the CoC will include representatives of all areas of the CoC service
The CoC updates its membership list annually, therefore CoC membership term is
one year. Agencies or individuals may join the CoC at any time during the year, but
will need to submit a new application annually. There is no minimum or maximum
number of members in the CoC.
The following parties are represented in the West Alabama Coalition for
Homelessness CoC:
● Victim services providers
● Faith-based organizations
● Governments
● Businesses
● Advocates
● Public housing agencies
● School districts
● Social service providers
● Hospitals
● Non-profit homeless assistance providers
● Universities
● Affordable housing developers
● Law enforcement
● Veterans Service Organizations
● Homeless and formerly homeless individuals
● Mental health agencies
The West Alabama Coalition for Homeless CoC invites new members to join at any
time during the year. Annually the West Alabama Coalition for the Homeless CoC
will issue a public invitation to interested individuals within the service area.
If you are interested in joining, submit the membership application to wachtuscaloosa@gmail.com .
CoC Competition
The FY2022 CoC Program Competition is complete.
The following Renewal Applications were accepted and ranked:
- City of Tuscaloosa – HMIS Renewal
- Salvation Army- Veterans Transitional Living
- Tuscaloosa Housing Authority – CoC Homeless Assistance
- Tuscaloosa Housing Authority – Project #2 (Rental Assistance)
Competition updates:
FY2022 Project Application Announcement
FY2022 CoC Competition Timeline
FY2022 CoC- Approved Consolidated Application
FY2022 Final CoC Consolidated Application
The Results of the FY2021 CoC Funding Competition are as follows:
The following Renewal Applications were accepted and ranked:
- City of Tuscaloosa – HMIS Renewal
- Tuscaloosa Housing Authority – Permanent Supportive Housing
- Tuscaloosa Housing Authority – Permanent Supportive Housing
- Salvation Army- Veterans Transitional Living
Competition updates:
FY2021 Project Application Announcement
FY2021 CoC Competition Timeline
FY2021 CoC Consolidated Application
The Results of the FY2019 CoC funding competition are as follows:
No New Project Applications
The following Renewal Applications were accepted and ranked:
- City of Tuscaloosa – HMIS Renewal
- Salvation Army – Transitional Housing
- Tuscaloosa Housing Authority – Permanent Supportive Housing
- Tuscaloosa Housing Authority – Permanent Supportive Housing
FY 2019 COC Grant Competition Awards | FY 2019 Collaborative Application for AL 506 Tuscaloosa City and County
All material contained on this webpage is available in Spanish and other languages upon request. Please call 205-248-5700 for assistance.
Todo material contenido en esta página web está disponible en español y otros idiomas bajo petición. Por favor llame al 205-248-5700 para asistencia.